
Monday, March 21, 2011

CNBLUE releases MV for ‘Intuition’!

 CNBLUE released their first full album, “First Step“. On March 21st, the band released the full music video for their comeback song, “Intuition“.
In the music video, the four members of CNBLUE are depicted in two ways:  as street hoodlums and as themselves. As rebels, the boys are seen sneaking through the streets, using graffiti to tag ‘CNBLUE’ onto everything. They even trespass into a building and shove security guards out of their way!
When the security guards finally catch up to them, however, it’s revealed that the hoodlum versions were, in fact, their actual selves. But the band has myseriously disappeared, leaving behind only their instruments and a huge graffiti tag of their name on the rooftop.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Teen Top Profile ^^


Has the hobbies to design, drawing and exercise.
Specialties in making lyrics and rap.
Education : Seongnam Information Industry High School, on his 3rd grade.
Do some raps for his audition.

He loves to do puzzle and read books.
Specialty : to imitate someone or something. 
Currently schooling at Seongji High School, on the 2nd grade.

Hobby : music appreciation
He loves to play soccer.
His school is Heungjin High School, on the 1st grade.
Sings to SHINee’s REPLAY and dances to BEP’s Boom Boom Pow for his audition.

His hobby is acting.
Has specialties in playing piano, music composition, and English.
Current school: Korea Arts High School, 1st grade.
He was rapping Chris Brown’s song “Run It” and Epik High’s “Fly” at Lotte World for his audition.

His hobbies are movie appreciation and plays piano.
Specialty : acting. (see Seo Taiji’s HUMAN DREAM MV)
Currently schooling at Namgang Middle School, and he is on the 3rd grade.

His hobbies are choreographic composition and music appreciation.
Specialty : Self defense.
His school is ChunCheon Soyang Middle School, and on his 3rd grade.
Dances to BEP’s Boom Boom Pow for his audition.



Monday, March 14, 2011

Apam Beras...^0^ Yummy!!

rini my beloved mother buat apam beras...hrm yummy...blk2 skol..bukak2 saji tgk2 ada apam ni...huhuhu...my favourite...ni aq nak kongsi sedikit resipi cara nak buat apam beras yang yummy ni...huhuhu


Bahan-bahan ( 5 orang makan )
·          3 cawan tepung beras
·         1 cawan tepung gandum
·         2 cawan gula pasir
·         1 packet mauripan@ibu roti
·         2 cawan nasi
·         3 cawan air
1.   masukkan semua bahan ke dalam mangkuk yg sederhana besar kecuali nasi dan air
2.   gaul bahan tersebut dan ketepikan sementara waktu
3.   kisar/blend nasi dengan air sampai betul2 hancur
4.   campurkan nasi yg telah diblend dengan bahan yg telah digaul tadi dan sebatikan adunan
5.   biarkan adunan mesra selama satu jam..adunan akan mengembang selepas tu...
6.   selepas satu jam, isikan adunan ke dalam acuan jeli/agar2 dan kukus dalam pengukus yang telah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu dalam 10-15minit
note: sapukan acuan dengan sedikit minyak sebelum mengukus supaya hasilnya mengikut bentuk acuan bila dikeluarkan.  

ni lah hasilnya

warna hijau dan putih yang menarik

poyo larr plak..(^0^)